Thursday, March 22, 2007

Road to Shambhala

Thinking about yesterday's post, I'm starting to look forward to spending time with a meditation instructor of whom I can ask some of the questions that seem to pile up in my head about meditation experiences. In DC earlier this week, I stopped by a really big bookstore and found a current copy of Shambhala Sun. The cover story "Yoga Body, Buddha Mind" is an article by Cyndi Lee and David Nichtern, assembling ideas that they've put together and used in a retreat/seminar context. The article caught my eye, as I'm slated to join them at the Shambhala Mountain Center for that very retreat program in July. I've not done such a thing before. Something new to think about.

Add to the list of things I still haven't figured out is the relationship between planning for the future and living in the present.